“Witchlings: The House of Elephants” Claribel A. Ortega

Rated 5 stars ***** ARC. Witchlings #3. Scholastic Press (Scholastic). 424 p. To be published October 1, 2024.

Seven and Thorn are desperate to find a way to save Violet. Ever since she was turned into stone, poison has been slowly creeping towards her heart. If a cure isn’t found soon, she will become stone forever. Seven’s monstro magic continues to worry her as she gains magical strength, but her issues pale in comparison to what Spares are facing.

A group of creepy, veiled witches formed a cult and declared to anyone who would listen that the problems they’re facing are the result of unbalanced magic. They believe Spares are to blame, so began creating laws to limit them even more than they have already been limited. As cult numbers grow, Spares start disappearing. Thorn, Seven, and her friends plan to get to the bottom of it but, with a more than 200-year-old dark magic working against them, the clock is ticking.

Ok. I’m hooked. I’ll admit defeat. Did you hear my scream of frustration at the end? It was because there’s ANOTHER book in the series! Suffering through ANOTHER wide-open ending along with a MULTITUDE of unanswered questions is my fate AGAIN!! ARGH! Claribel A. Ortega, my hat is off to you. Though I had a weak start in Witchlings #1, you had my full attention by book #2. Now, I’m chomping at the bit to know what happens next to our heroines. When will book #4 come out?

Highly recommended for ages 12-15.

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