“A Midsummer Night’s Scream” R.L. Stine

ARC (Advance Reading Copy). Published July 2, 2013. Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan). 249 pp.

AMidsummerNight'sScreamHave you ever watched one of those really horrible “B” movies like “The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” while cringing at the terrible acting and “special” effects? Have you ever STARTED watching then turned the channel because you couldn’t take it anymore? Well then you’re all set for R.L. Stine’s latest book. Just by its title alone “A Midsummer Night’s Scream” would make you think it’s based on Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” You would be wrong.

Claire and her friend Delia are so excited to be cast in the lead for the remake of “Mayhem Manor.” Sure, three teen actors had been brutally murdered during the filming of the original 1960’s movie, but that wouldn’t happen in the modern version. Would it? Of course it would.

Blood gushing everywhere, fake acting, people dropping dead, terrible plot, you name it and “A Midsummer Night’s Scream” has it. If you look very, very carefully you might even seen the teeniest, tiniest allusion to Shakespeare’s play in that Claire loves Jake but Jake loves Delia, while Delia loves Shawn who really loves Claire. Oh yeah, and the person causing all the mayhem just happens to be named “Puck.”

So there you have it. I forced myself to read since I had to review it, but it was like taking tablespoons of cod liver oil. Blech! I suggest you don’t torture yourself too, but those in the 12-14 year age bracket might take a shine to it. Who knows? Stranger things have happened…

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